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NASA'S Perseverance rover to be lunch on mars on 30th july 2020.

NASA'S next rover to the mars is expecting to launch on July 30th 2020.

NASA'S red planet rover perseverance stacked to rocket ahead of July 30 launch. The perseverance rover mission is design to search the crater and area surrounding it for sign of ancient microbial life. It is the successor to the curiosity rover, Which has been exploring the gale crater on the red planet for eight year.

In less than a month, NASA expect to launch the mars 2020 perseverance mission from cape Canaveral, Florida. Loaded with scientific instrument,advanced computational capabilities for landing and other new system. The perseverance rover is the largest, heaviest, most sophisticated vehicle NASA has ever sent to the mars.

Lori Glaze ( planetary science director at NASA headquarters in Washington ) said: " we will get closer than ever before to answering some of science's longest standing question about the red planet, including whether life ever a there arose there. "

Perseverance rover expecting to launch on 30th July 2020 at 7:50 A.M. If it launches this summer then it will land on February, 18, 2021, inside mars' Jazero Carter. The 28 mile wide ( 45 kilometers ) Jazero contained a lake and a river delta in the ancient past, and the car sized robot will search the area for sign of the long dead life.

Perseverance will capably doing variety of the works as well from characterizing Jazero's geology to hunting for subsurface water ice to testing out gear that generates oxygen from mars' thin, carbon dioxide dominated atmosphere. The six wheeled over will also collect and cache several dozen samples, which will be recovered and returned to planet earth for probably as early as 2031.


MARS       NEPTUNE       PLUTO       URANUS       EARTH       MERCURY       VENUS       JUPITER      SATURN.


1 : SOJOURNER : The red planet's path finder robotic vehicle ( rover ) that landed on July 4, in the year 1997, in the area villas region, and explored mars for around three month. It has front and rear cameras and hardware to conduct several scientific experiments. Disgned for a mission lasting 7 soles, with possible extension to 30 sols, it  was active for 83 sols  ( 85 earth days ). The base station had its last communication session with earth at 3:23 a.m. Pacific daylight time on September 27, 1997. The rover needed the base.

2 : SPIRIT : It was one of two rovers of NASA's mars exploration rover mission. It landed successfully within the impact crater Gusey on the mars at 04:35 ground UTC on January 4, 9 MER-B ), which landed on the other side of the planet. It name was chosen through a NASA sponsored student essay competition her name  was Sofi Collis.

3 : OPPORTUNITY : It was active on mars from until the middle of 2018. It launched on July 7, in the year 2003, as part of NASA'S mars exploration rover program, it landed in Meridiani Planum on January, in the year 2004, three weeks after its twin spirit ( MER-A ) touched down on the other side of the planet. With a planned 90-sol duration of activity ( slightly less than 92.5 earth days ), Spirit Functioned until i got stuck in the year 2009 and ceased communications in the year 2010, while opportunity was able to stay operational for 5111 sols after landing maintaing its power and key systems through continual recharging of its batteries using solar power, and hibernating during events such as dust storms to save power. This careful operation allowed opportunity to exceed its operating plan by 14 years, 46 days ( in earth time ), 55 times its designed lifespan. By June 10, in the year 2018, when it last contacted NASA, the rover had traveled a distance of 45.16 kilometers ( 28.06 ).

4 : CURIOSITY : It was launched from cape Canaveral in November 26th, in the year 2011 at 15:02 UTC and landed on Aeolis palus inside gale on mars on august 6th, in the year 2012, at 05:17 UTC. The Bradbury landing site was less than 2.4 km ( 1.5 mi ) from the center of the rover's touchdown target after a 56 million km ( 35 million mi ) journey. The rover's goals includes an investigation of the martian climate and geology; assessment of weather the selected field site inside Gale has ever offered environment condition favorable for microbial life, including investigation of the role of water; and planetary habitability studies in the preparation for human exploration.

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